Welcome to Tarothrone


To TAROTHRONE, the Royal Academy of Consciousness.

Your Life = Your Throne

EXCLUSIVE CONTENT: lectures, exercises, perception training on Tarot&astrology visuals and symbols, and practical engagement with them enable you to establish your kingdom on Earth.


Constant growth

Daily, weekly and monthly reports, training, perception exercises, and work with the light body&energy renewal techniques: constant elegant education through play and work with Consciousness/Self.


Tarot is a super-tool to:

Be your own counselor
Zaboravi gurue, trenere i savjetnike: OTKLJUČAJ ZNANJE SVOJE DUŠE i budi svoj namudriji Vodič koji zna vrijedi li ulagati u ljubavni odnos, mijenjati ili pokretati posao, koji je najbolji trenutak za promjenu ili na koji način. Forget gurus, coaches, and advisors: UNLOCK THE KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR SOUL and be your wiser Guide who knows if it's worth investing in a love relationship, changing or starting a business, when is the best time to modify or in what way.
Invent your reality
Your Soul communicates via images, and your mind realizes its intentions through visions. But only if the images are aligned on all levels: conscious - which you know, and unconscious - which influences success from the background. Tarot reveals where they are not and how to harmonize them for successful manifestation.
Develop perception and sharpen intuition
Tarot is the perfect focus machine for clairvoyance: colors, shapes, images, and visuals activate and awaken your Consciousness, as a result of which you strengthen the innate gift of the human psyche—the inner knowledge of the soul, the wisdom of intuition.
Be your own psychologist, coach, guide and healer
All the questions a person would ask a Coach, Counselor, or Psychologist... he can ask himself and get - through Tarot - the information he needs: about the right attitude, move, way to heal a situation, relationship, or himself.
Explore the unconscious, conscious and superconscious
Faster and more precisely than anyone else, the Tarot shows you where there is a split in consciousness: where, for example, you consciously see yourself in a hug, but the unconscious program shows you in tears of loneliness. It also instructs you on harmonizing all levels of yourself as an excellent orchestra for achievement.
Conceive creativity and have ongoing inspiration
A Tarot always reveals a new angle to a situation, even in familiar circumstances. Thus, it constantly provides new insights and supports the opening and expansion of the neurological network for further information and inspiration.
Predict, perceive and alter events
Choose your lines of reality: Tarot helps you to discover in advance and thereby eliminate the problem or modify what you need to reach your goal. This is how you avoid mistakes and maximize positive results.
Change life stories
Through decoding karmic, generational, and repetitive models and mechanisms of behavior based on the old mind programming: unconscious and hidden. And turn them into constructive ones that reflect your True, satisfied being.
Travel through time, dimensions and space
To go into the astral spheres, shamanic journeys of vision awakening, conscious projection, and teleportation and explore your multidimensional forms in other dimensions, planets, and star systems.
Self-knowledge and self-development
Constant development makes you live your full potential in all areas of life. And the Tarot is a mirror of the soul that shows you new detail daily that will help you proliferate.
Decode astrological implications and influences
Learn the symbolism of the astrological spheres and get information on how to use the astrological setting in your birth chart and the transit to your highest advantage. No more fear of transits and retrograde planets, only cooperation.
Be the royalty that you are
By constantly reminding you that the cards are in your hands and that you have the sovereignty to act at the right moment, with the right attitude, and in the right way.

Tarot is a love-guide with whom:

You achieve genuine, soul-mate love
Find yourself with the right, utterly compatible person for yourself and achieve a delighted love partnership where you adore, support, develop and build each other through pleasure and dignity.
You easily determine love compatibility
How much are partners' frequencies and Consciousness aligned, also their mental, emotional and physical fields: it is good to know with whom there is a foundation for building and with whom it will not quite work out.
You understand the lessons and teachings of love
Seeing who is in your life for what reason and what you integrate with that person in yourself is key to understanding incomprehensible behaviors. As well as the knowledge of what lessons we bring to each other, what do we learn through our similarities and differences?
You see the purpose of the relationship and aspects of soul contracts
Understand why you met and what you need to achieve together. What did you, as souls, arrange in your soul contract that will play out through your encounter, in what way, and for what kind of personal development? What is your unique best way as a couple to make your relationship the most fruitful?
You harmonize the rhythms of sexual energies
Know how to use sexual energy for joint healing, and recognize the phases when you get the most from sex as sport, sex as meditation, or therapy.
You harmonize your personal frequency for the realization of vibrationally aligned soulmate love
Know precisely what you need to modify with yourself - strengthen or reduce some behavior model, implement or eliminate some of your identity - to feel, be and live Love with yourself, others, and the whole creation.
You discover your love identities and master them
Sometimes you love like the cold Queen of Swords, sometimes with the excitement of the Queen of Wands: there are more levels of us in everything, same in the love field. So, knowing which face of yours awakens at which period, and what is your growth phase that comes with it... also who triggers what face in you and why is essential for development through love.
You completely understand the other person, their unconscious motives and desires
Assessing others' actions and understanding their motives is key to understanding—and understanding is crucial to a healthy relationship because it brings acceptance.
You identify the stages of a love relationship and know how to adjust to them
In love relationships, it is essential to harmonize even when you are in different phases: someone is more erotic, someone is more friendly. Recognizing when we are playing each other's roles and behaving accordingly is beneficial.
You cruise calmly through love crises
To recognize the different phases and energies of conflicts that arise in them and to calmly go through crises without paranoia, interruptions, and dramas. Insights into the highs and lows of relationships bring understanding and more straightforward navigation through the various stages.

Tarot is a business consultant for:

Accurate evaluation of investments
To clearly know in which projects, real estate, and business to invest your mental and material energy - will it pay off and fertilize your value, or not?
Specifying the perfect timing
When is the best time to change a job, real estate, or business strategy? What is the best time to launch a project or a new idea?
Choosing the right career
What is your perfect vocation? Mission, if you want. What profession is your joy? Why are you here — what is your soul's work, like singing is to bird? Something that comes naturally, and you would do it even if you didn't need money? Tarot is excellent for showing you your passion and ways of manifesting it as a career.
Perform unique marketing
The Tarot's symbols, colors, and shapes inspire you to the right graphic visuals and copyright - which touch the essence and stand out for their uniqueness, giving you a special status in the public's perception.
Construct ideal business tactics
Some clients and business partners are looking for a fast dynamic, and others are looking for time to get to know each other. Some business structures are complicated and need to be approached differently than short-term, quick deals. The right timing, period, and method - of negotiations, agreements, and accomplishing tasks. Tarot shows this like no other.

Vladanje emotivnim poljem

Definicija tuge je osjećaj koji se javlja kada se dogodi nešto što nam se ne sviđa, pa se osjećamo potišteno, kao da imamo prazninu iznutra, mračni bunar, i jaku potrebu zaplakati.
Zagrljaj fizičkog, eterskog i astralnog tijela
Jer bez toga, integriranog - s pročišćenim donijm čakrama - nema suverenosti emocija.
"Moja posebna vrijednost u tvojim očima je ugrožena. Moj poseban dijamant ispada iz slike jer dolazi netko drugi, moćniji, uslijed čega će se regrupirati odnosi moći"- 6 dijamanata/dinara, Vitez mačeva/pikova, 8 mačeva/pikova.
Strah: micanje astralnih pečata
U prirodi stvari, strah je životno-čuvajući prijatelj: mirno ideš nepoznatom gustom šumom. Odjednom osjetiš strah - prirodni alarm da se nešto promijenilo - možda je na horizontu divlja zvijer, možda se sprema opasna oluja. Primiš informaciju, aktivira se "bori se ili bježi" i djeluješ. Tako te strah spašava i čuva.
Izlaz iz zatvora (Bardo)
Ključno za oslobođenje emocija je izlaženje iz zatvora oko Zemlje - barda, čistilišta, osme sfere. Priča o tome ovdje: BARDO I IZLAZ IZ ZATVORA
Što me uvijek, bez greške razljuti? Na što ću popizditi u sekundi? Ono, uvijek, koliko god sam zen? - odgovor na to je zapravo jednostavan, uvijek se svede na neki tip nepravde oko nečega. Kao reakcija na svirepost, bezobrazluk, glupost.
Radost je oslobođenje
Pozivamo u polje one sebe koji su se oslobodili kroz prošlost, prostor i vrijeme. Jačamo taj osjećaj da smo radost mi, kada nismo vezani - ni svojom požudom, ni svojim idealima, ni projekcijama svoje radosti u druge.

Lyran starcode

How do you know what your Lyran code is?
It is essential to note that Lyra is the first place of embodiment, the embodiment of man. Humanoid civilizations in the entire galaxy started from there. That's why we all have some kind of connection to Lyra, some code that connects us to our first personal embodiment.