
Written on 08/24/2022
Dea Devidas

To TAROTHRONE, the Royal Academy of Consciousness.

A place where we will integrate all aspects and parts of the soul into the body and life now, using visuals and the Tarot system. This is called the Royal Way, the royal system of spiritual development, because playing with it awakens royalty in man - in fact, awareness of his essence.

My GOAL is: to teach you to use cards as your most beautiful toys. Learn to communicate and hang out with them like best friends and mirrors. Understand what they say and how.

Then, awaken perception: learn to see - images, details, what is shown and what is not, actually the energies in the background and their flows. How they are, where they are going and how to change them to achieve the desired result. Because by influencing energy and its flow, we affect its manifestation.

In this sense, you will learn not only to see the future but to alter it.

Ultimately, you won't end up obsessively shuffling the cards to answer you - but gently putting them aside, like fine art, will become what you are: the Divine Map of Omniscience in which information is integrated through all soul vibrations.

We will go through the process of this awareness and integration elegantly and quickly: day by day, little by little, to make it educational and fun.

See the INTRODUCTORY VIDEOS for more details about the Academy and access.

Work methodology: how we will achieve the goal

Day by day, card by card, and coffee by coffee - then voila! Just kidding, it goes like this:

At the beginning of the month: the month's work plan, extensive reading, and the main corrective measures. Announcement of the Card/Portal of the month - main Soul Force that is on, which is being made that month.

Throughout the month, we work daily: through daily, weekly, and monthly readings, daily messages and exercises,  evening (before sleep for night integration) lessons, and training. Accessible and elegant, in mini form.

So, 60 lectures and exercises per month for enlightenment, learning, and integration of the soul into the body.

* Daily insight/lecture - a message, a story, a mini-topic that elaborates the main weekly topics - and an activation or healing exercise - related to the energies of that moment (weekly issues), expressed through Tarot visuals and astrological situation.

* Evening lesson and exercise on the card aspect that is actual that month.

* Monthly detailed forecast and guide.

1. In the section CARDS&COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, there will be weekly lectures in the form of essays with exercises. Monthly forecasts and weekly topics with elaboration every day, a task that strengthens the work on the case in the COFFEE&CARDS section every day.

Because of the harmony with the moment and flow, there is also astrology: in the STARSEED SOULS:  ASTROACTIVATION section, there are mini-lectures and exercises on activating the parts of us from multidimensional realms that are ready to be activated with particular transits. 

So we learn the basics of astrology as we go along because it is essential and shares symbolism with the Tarot.

2. One card, or portal, is created per month. It is in the CARDS: POWER PORTALS section. Each day one lesson and exercise on some aspect of the force encapsulated in the card image. 

And the main aspects of every card/portal are:

* The function of the force that the card represents - function in the here and now of life, but also in eternity, i.e., multidimensionality.  It includes an exercise for the use of this force and its function, with examples in which situations it is good to apply it and in which it is not.

* Feminine and masculine - yin&yang aspects of this force.

*  Main archetypes and the incarnations with experiences we carry personally from them. 

* Practices for locating the power within ourselves: recognizing where it is personally in our aura and organs, depending on in which dimension we have the dominant existence of that force, and from where we act through that principle.

* Soul contracts we have through that particular portal and learn how to discover them and recognize their existence in ourselves and others. Also, what to do with them: some are worth activating because they are helpful, but some are ready to be canceled.

* We will bring awareness to the psyche of the force: how it thinks, manifests itself, its strength and light, and the whole mindset. 

* The same as distortions - places where it is not integrated, resulting from a wound created within the principle, and how to fix it to be functional: shadow work healing. 

* We will become aware of the mental powers of the force and how to use them.

* Also, you will get to know the astrological indicators of the force.

* Have fun through stories and fairy tales that best represent the force, and chill out through the Zen wisdom of card/power.

* And clearly, we will work with its main symbols, studying how it works and what it does in all areas of life - love, career, health, attitude.

Of course, there is nothing without working with energies, so ENERGY EXERCISE: LIGHTBODY WORK: the basics of breathing, energy repairs, and astral and light body and light technology work, are a mandatory part of the development and creativity of the soul.

The form of the Academy is a freestyle: as you join, you follow the content. The assumption is that you will switch on at the moment that is best for you and sail precisely the way you need it.


Will I learn to read Tarot cards?

Undoubtedly because we do everything through visuals. But the learning is much deeper and greater: learning to read energies through space and time. Recognizing energies, and vibrations, with their changes.

Do I need to have my deck of Tarot cards to follow the content successfully?

Actually, it's enough to watch and study the visuals I publicize. But in time, you will want it and then fulfill your wish, even though the king's goal is to remove the cards from the side and read reality and all its levels and layers - directly. But since pictures are a part of visual art so close to our souls, treat yourself with a deck you like when the time comes.

Will I learn to divine, to predict the future and the outcomes of events?

In time you will, but in time you will realize that you can change the future and become aware of how to predict and see directly. We use the cards as bridges in developing the innate psychic gifts that each of us carries.

Will I learn astrology through Tarot?

Tarot and astrology share the same symbolism, so - of course! We follow astrological transits through daily stories and birth charts and keep a diary of events.

What is the end result I am getting, the goal of it all?

You gain your sovereignty, which comes from the feeling and experience that your consciousness and soul, with all its knowledge, is completely integrated into you. You gain honed powers of perception, so you can read the moment's energies and predict how they will develop in the future. You gain the knowledge to change those energy flows that you can. You get exactly what you have - Yourself in your complete divine form - but in a new way, like returning home. You get integration of all your soul parts and minds - from the past life, parallel dimensions and forms, in here&now.

Shall we learn Tarot meanings?

We won't because they don't exist. We will uniquely approach the Tarot: as a portal through which we travel to our various forms in the space-time continuum (past and parallel realities and dimensions), and from there, we draw all the knowledge and experiences we have at our disposal into the here and now. See more about it in one of the intro videos about meanings - how they are actually negative programming of mind taming.

Can I do that? Is this all for someone who is already experienced or for beginners?

I know things sound complicated when I use the words "soul" and "dimensions," but that's just to explain the scale of the situation. Basically - this is the most effortless learning ever. Because it's a game. We play cards and glance at pictures. And so, through the game, we awaken awareness, build a fund of personal knowledge of the soul and create the changes we want. In the outer world, acting from within. And it all starts with looking. So, if you can say what you see in a photo or picture - this is for you, and you can do it.